- Release date
- June 11, 2021
- 1 deck
- MSRP: 9.99 USD
- Card types
- 16 types
- Rarity
- Common: 7 types
- Uncommon: 5 types
- Rare: 3 types
- Super Rare: 1 type
- Contents
- -Starter Deck (1 set of 54 cards)
- -2 memory gauges
- -1 -GREAT LEGEND- Booster Pack
Return trashed cards to your hand, sacrifice Digimon on both sides of the board, and outwit your opponent with this tricky purple deck!
Buy 12 packs of GREAT LEGEND or 2 Starter Decks (ST-4-6), and get a Great Dash Pack as a bonus!
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